Instant Judgment Test: Know Where You Stand Right Now (for Everyone)

(A) Yay! Yes! (eg. joy, rejoicing, and/or happy) = Heaven on earth here we come!

(B) Peaceful /balanced / neutral / indifferent / other = You’re on track!

(C) Disbelief, rejection, caustic = You’re in judgment!* (Christians & non-Christians alike!)

The End Times are history, and heaven is here

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3 thoughts on “Instant Judgment Test: Know Where You Stand Right Now (for Everyone)

  1. If this were true then why since Nov 2020 have we been dealing with so much evil in the world? I believe what you saw is a hologram. They’re using them now all over the world up in the sky to fool people. Just like the huge UFO in Arizona. That was their first of many to come. They’re already planning an alien invasion of holographic UFOs for fear factor all over the 🌎 later this year. If I’m wrong so be it.🙏

    1. Hi Tammy, it was the Christmas Star shining in the skies by the Great Conjunction of 2 planets and as stated in the post, not only was the same sign of the Son of Man present in around 6 BC (right around when Jesus was said to have been born in Bethlehem), but it occurred again on December 21, 2020 (on solstice). Not a hologram – millions of people were on watch to see the sign of the Son of Man, with telescopes, cameras and phones, and livestreaming. If what you believe will happen does occur (or anything else unexpected…), please remember that God is love and there is no fear in love (anything that inspires fear, is not of God and is unholy/antichrist spirit). With love, Shannon

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