Are You Like Christ? The One Question That Reveals Everything About You – My Answer = NO!

If you had an immediate inner sense of resistance upon reading the question, shook your head, thought “no” without further consideration, or spoke out or yelled, “No,” or a stronger, “Hell no, never!!!!” escaped your lips…

You probably already know what this means without reading further.

This means you’ve felt some sort of disconnect, disturbance, resistance, offense, anger, some negative reaction to part or all of this in your heart and/or mind. It was your instinctual and intuitive response to the question in the moment.

In case you did not self-observe your initial internal reaction to the question—and if you are not yet aware of the fact you may have just discovered that the spirit coming through your heart and consciousness (your own self) was not one with the spirit of love—please take note that love, and only love, was in the words of the affirmatory question.

If you were within love’s spirit you would have resonated with the words in the question and said at minimum, and perhaps, even ever so tentatively, “yes.

Please consider the real possibility that what you may currently believe in/perceive of to be associated with “Christ” and “Jesus” and “love” is clouding perspective here.

In truth, what we see in the world today among the majority of “Christians” is far from the true and pure essence of LOVE as defined in sacred texts and as demonstrated in the scriptures about Jesus Christ as the epitome of love in humanity who reconnected us to life in spirit through the story of his death and resurrection.

Observable throughout history in wars, torture, inquisitions, stoning, shaming, condemnation, judging, oppressing, harming, etc, is the truth: what was developed from the cornerstone of Jesus’ message of “love” became spoiled, corrupted, and perverted in nearly 2000 years by “man” in “his-tory” beginning with the year 1 AD/CE.

You may already know we are all bound in Jesus’ memory regardless of our beliefs. “Every knee shall bow” indeed, for in 2022, almost all of humanity adheres to the Gregorian calendar based on Jesus’ birthday established by the Catholic Church centuries upon centuries ago.

We are marching forward in time bound to Jesus’ name and whether humanity likes it or not, if a public school student asks a secular educator why the year CE (Common Era) started when it did at any time in the future, the answer will go back to Jesus every time.

(Note: this is written in humanity’s best interest in mind and heart to find peace with the name “Jesus Christ” since his life is literally embedded in our history as the crossroads between the Old and the New age/eon/era as a marker of love pointing the way through suffering to joy in life on earth (and beyond) until the end of AD/CE time).

For your consideration in this moment, however, the question is solely: are you willing or unwilling to love everyone to the best of your abilities in your life.

The love that is within the question comes directly to you from the Most High Holy place in the Highest of the Heavens from where Jesus came from per the canonized and apocrypha scriptures; and from where he returned from in the minds and hearts of the apostles, saints, and mystics throughout history… yes, technically speaking, he has already returned numerous times.

The definition of love from a scriptural perspective is in a helpful guide here if you’d like to read more to determine whether or not you agree to love based on behaviors, qualities, and attributes alone.

If, after a refresher on what “love” means by definition of Jesus’ life and in The Bible (and other texts, including secular dictionaries and thesauruses) you still do not say “yes” to the question, this indicates that spiritually/consciously you are somewhere along the spectrum from:

“Slightly out of tune or unaligned with real/true love inside of yourself”


“Parading throughout your real life on earth like a warmongering, wicked, malicious, evil, and generally nefarious anti-christ or other troublemaker who dispenses suffering and harm into the world through unloving intentions, thoughts, words, and actions either intentionally or in ignorance.”

Where exactly are YOU in that spectrum?

I don’t know you well enough, and it’s not mine to judge anyway. However, you likely already have an idea of the answer and do not need anyone else to tell you.


(of all beliefs and Bible translations; especially those who may think
the question, graphics, writings, and anything else related to this quiz or website is any semblance of wrongness, unholy or in error)

(including other spiritual paths/religions, “spiritual but not religious,” atheists, agnostics, and others who do not identify as Christian)

Please pause and stop before proceeding forward in your own judgment.

What you’ll read here next is for your own good:

Please open your Bible and turn to the beginning of the New Testament. Starting with the gospels, read the entire New Testament—over and over, and again and again, if necessary—until you see the light from the scriptures.

When you are in agreement with love—and only then—and when you’re ready—come back to the question again,

“From this moment onward, for your OWN life, and to the
best of your abilities, ARE YOU WILLING to be ONLY loving in your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions towards EVERYONE (regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or EVER will do, or not do, to you or your loved ones, or anyone or anything else?”

If/when your answer is, “Yes!” and only when your answer is, “Yes!” will you be one in love as was commanded by Jesus in his greatest commandments to all people (especially his followers). If you expect to go to
heaven after this lifetime, “Yes,” is the only answer that is Jesus’ one and only way.

Another exercise is to imagine for a moment if Jesus were directly asking you the very same question and consider if your answer would be different if it was Him. Imagine Jesus asking you right now,

“From this moment onward, for your OWN life, and to the best of ALL of your abilities, ARE YOU WILLING to be ONLY loving in your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions towards EVERYONE (regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or EVER will do, or not do, to you or your loved ones, or anyone or anything else?”

If your answer changes, it’s a further indicator and secondary confirmation of a disconnect between your beliefs (mindset) and the truth in your heart.

With your best interests in mind and at heart—and for the good of your own life (and afterlife)—you may want to think it over again (and of course, pray) before making a final decision on your path forward from here.

(Caution/Helpful Tip: this period of contemplation may disrupt or conflict with your beliefs, and/or may set off a full-on deconstruction. These experiences are to be expected and are normal when growing towards maturity in faith. If a refresher on what being a disciple of Jesus looks like, click here. For a reminder of what love is and is not, click here.)

Please re-read the question and read it

“From this moment onward, for your OWN life,
and to the best of your abilities,
ARE YOU WILLING to be ONLY loving in your thoughts,
intentions, words, and actions towards EVERYONE
(regardless of who they are, or what they may,
or may not have done, or EVER will do,
or not do, to you or your loved ones, or anyone, or anything else?”

Read it slow enough, and as many times as you need, to see that there is
absolutely NO religious or spiritual dogma OR doctrine in the question.

The question and answer do not bind you to anything, nor does a “Yes!” mean you are suddenly a “Christian” or like “Christians” if you say “yes.

It is what it is, and that it is alone.

If you are willing to move to a “maybe,” or consider saying tentatively, “Yes!” (knowing you can always change your mind and come back to “No!“) you may find another answer is revealed in your life that is a better fit.


For all who are still here and reading this: If you ever decide to try more peace, love, and happiness, it’s just a matter of a simple consideration to be more loving in life (both towards others and yourself). That’s all it is. Just be more loving (kind, generous, merciful, gracious, helpful, etc…) In time, the world will literally transform around you for the good.

Namaste with love to you, whether you realize it in this life or the next, love is everything you are and ever will be. The light is within you when you’re ready to return to it (similar to the parable of the prodigal son). Whichever way your road of life goes: Goodspeed, Best Wishes, Good Luck, and Many Blessings of prosperity, health, and happiness to you always! ❤️