Are You Like Christ? The One Question That Reveals Everything About You

Are YOU “Like Christ” (aka, Jesus of Nazareth) in the depths of your heart and soul? Or, are you more of an anti-Jesus, anti-Christ-like, or antichrist, like, possibly, for real? Could it be true? Find out now!

Greetings to you, especially to the peacemakers, healers, and helpers, and those who work tirelessly in service for all that is love on earth! (Keep being awesome and many warm thanks and kindest regards to you for all the good you do every day!)

Below is the one and only self-quiz question needed to determine whether or not you have favor with Good/God/Supreme Reality/Luck/the Universe (i.e., whatever it is that is the original cause/power/force of life as we know it).

How is this possible? It’s all about love (and so was the man, the myth, and the legend, Jesus of Nazareth who became Christ as per the canonized Bible).

In a nutshell for those who may not be familiar with it all: above all else, Jesus demonstrated a life of love with his entire life (and death) and his purpose in life was joy on earth for all. He was a healer, miracle worker, and spiritual master/teacher of Universal laws, among other titles/roles bestowed upon him throughout history (messiah, savior, prophet, high priest of Melchizedek, etc).

Whether or not he actually existed on earth is an entirely other matter based on faith and/or archeological evidence (or lack thereof) and neither affects or influences your answer to this self-quiz unless you personally let it get in the way.

The results are applicable for everyone anywhere around the world regardless of opinions and beliefs and are 100% private (unless you choose to share them with anyone else).

If after answering the question you discover you are not like Christ, don’t despair (especially Christians): this opportunity is 2-in-1 as you also have the bonus gift of learning exactly what it is that you may want to consider further—now or in the future—for an happier life on earth and in the world overall.

Namaste with love and blessed be your joy, from Shannon, and now, without further ado, let’s get to the question and find out if you’re “like Christ” or not!




Please answer this ONE question honestly:

For your own life, and to the best of your abilities, from this moment onward, ARE YOU WILLING to be ONLY loving in your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions TOWARDS EVERYONE regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or EVER will do, or not do, to you or your loved ones, or anyone or anything else?

And, Your answer is…….???????

Please choose ONE statement below that most closely represents your answer and see what it reveals about you:

Don’t Know,
Hold On,
Wait A Minute,
On The Fence,
For my own life, from this moment onward, I AM willing to be only loving to the best my abilities in my thoughts, intentions, words, and actions towards everyone regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or ever will do, or not do to me, my loved ones, or anyone or anything else.
Please click here for any reason if undecided/unsure.No!
I AM NOT willing to be only loving to the best of my abilities in my thoughts, intentions, words, and actions towards everyone regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or ever will do, or not do to me, my loved ones, or anyone or anything else.


Self-quiz all rights reserved. Ⓒ2022 Joy Alchemy® by Shannon of Joy. For more with Shannon, click here, or


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