Are You Like Christ? The One Question That Reveals Everything About You – My Answer = Not “Yes” or “No”

This question may feel like it is too strong of a commitment, you may be questioning whether strings are attached somewhere and you just can’t see them yet, you may be waiting for the other shoe to drop, or wondering if there’s some sort money-driven or shadowy malicious unsavory catch here (there’s not), or if somehow in this you’ll end up being treated unfairly, judged, or disrespected.

You may be here between “Yes!” and “No!” for any one of infinite reasons why you felt a, “Hold up!” hesitation, resistance, or inner unwillingness to answer a solid “Yes!” or “No!

If this sounds like you, and if you are still not sure whether your answer is “Yes!“, please click here to continue forward. Any uncertainty or indecision is ultimately a rejection of yes, and is: “No” (i.e., your answer wasn’t, “Yes, I am willing.“)

For those who may be still reading here between “Yes!” and “No!” perhaps feeling unsettled, and not quite wanting to head over to “No!” I know that you may feel like this makes you a bad person because of what you’ll see is included in the spectrum of people who choose, “No!” and please know it truly doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes you a skeptical, questioning, curious, and holding what you read/see at arm’s length person, and these are all good attributes.

But the truth of what it also means is that your immediate reaction to the question posed to you was associated with a negative and/or spirit of disagreement even ever so subtle (i.e., you didn’t agree and say “yes” therefore your spirit/energy/vibe was not resonating with where the question was in the words in which it was written).

Now then, go ahead and shake it off.

Yes! Go ahead and mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etherically, etc, shake it off however long or short or silly or seriously you want to clear your energy (without any harm, of course!) You can come back to this when you are ready to continue.

Hopefully that feels at least a bit better now inside. If so, that’s awesome and guess what? Since you’re still here, here is a super-secret, special opportunity just for you.

Are you ready?

Here’s your free bonus: At any time, you can go back to re-read the question and consider answering again differently this time, “From this moment onward, for your OWN life, and to the best of your abilities, ARE YOU WILLING to be ONLY loving in your thoughts, intentions, words, and actions towards EVERYONE (regardless of who they are, or what they may, or may not have done, or EVER will do, or not do, to you or your loved ones, or anyone or anything else?”

As you re-read the question, you’ll note it isn’t demanding perfection from you, nor is it asking you to be anyone or anything else than who you are right now.

If you’re getting caught up with the man, the myth, and the legend of “Jesus,” and if you think that saying “Yes!” somehow means you have to “believe” in Jesus literally as the Bible depicts as flesh and bone in the creeds (and only Son of God who is love who is humanity’s Savior who died for all our sins)? You don’t.

After all, ultimately it doesn’t matter whether he existed on earth or not because the life energy force of goodness in spirit/consciousness beyond our mental reaches responds to the name of Jesus Christ (as evidenced by the apostles, saints, mystics, and others experiences of Jesus in Spirit). In the end, it doesn’t matter whether he was astrological prophecies and creative fiction or truly walked on the earth with his own two feet.

To say “Yes” to a life of love does not have to come with the baggage Christianity has dragged forward from 30-36 AD/CE (carrying their crucifixes of salvation and suffering while creating hell for the rest of us on earth because they are living outside of love).

Truth be told, literally millions of people in the United States alone have left Christianity within the last decades, and as I wrote, “…if the light of Christ was truly shining in the churches and amongst Christians as Jesus directed, believers and nonbelievers would be flocking en masse for fellowship, worship and praise, miracles, healings, and rejoicing as the earliest Christians did in in love and communion together—not leaving the faith…

Until “Christianity: The Religion” including all of the denominations, churches, and congregations gets their act together and realigns with the Spirit of love, our entire world will continue to suffer in the consequences/effects of their errors and ignorance.

Additionally, since the religions and world wisdom traditions convene in joy as supreme divinity and holy essence within, and science/western medicine in psychiatry and psychology agree joy is essential for well-being and enjoyment in life, Jesus’ purpose of joy to the world, all peoples and all nations, is universally on point beyond religious doctrine and dogma specific to Christianity itself.

In this one question and answer right here and now, you are not agreeing to anything but being willing to love to the best of your abilities.

No one (not even the man, Jesus) was perfectly ultimate loving-kindness in words and actions, for it was written that even he lost his temper in a temple courtyard and overturned tables and scattered livestock with a whip he crafted from cords.

It was certainly not the most loving actions he could have chosen in that moment and thank goodness the story is canonized so we can point to it, not only as a reminder of our humanity, but also it is the measuring stick of which loving behaviors do not cross (i.e., no intentional harm done, and The Golden Rule).

So then, if you ever decide that it feels okay to tentatively say, “yes” to a life of love—even if it is just temporarily—to see what it feels like before you fully commit yourself, that’s all that is needed: YOU’RE IN! You can click here to head over to “Yes!” because the light of Christ (or, whatever it is that you call what is good and holy within you,) is ready to shine brighter in your life! Congratulations! ❤️

And, if you continue to find yourself unwilling to commit to either “Yes!” or “No!” (and if you decided not to head over to the “No!” column when the instructions were given previously):

May you be well on your way, and know that you are always welcome to return to the question again.