Reality Check for Christianity*: The Truth About the Sign of the Son of Man

Jesus Christ’s prophecies came true as written in the Holy Bible, in the sign of the Son of Man on Solstice, December 21, 2020, and as of the date of these writings, Christianity is still asleep. It’s beyond time for humanity, and especially all of Christianity (including all denominations and churches*), to be waking up in the truth of His return.

Given the current state of humanity, a friendly forewarning to Christians who are reading this* (as well as, FYI for those of all secular and nonsecular beliefs): due to nearly 2000 years of religious indoctrination, errors in judgment, incorrect thinking, inaccurate interpretations, wrong conclusions, and false beliefs taking hold (eg, strongholds of “Satan”), before proceeding further, it is key for you to have either:

  • (1) an open mind with willingness to consider rational, right-minded logical analysis and critical thinking, and/or
  • 2) a beginner’s mind; like “a child” as in Matthew 18:3 when Jesus told his disciples in truth that unless they changed their mindsets (thoughts and beliefs) and became like little children (questioning, curious, humble, open to possibilities, trusting, faithful) they would not see the Kingdom of Heaven.

The reason for this is because the Truth from multiple verses in the Holy Bible provides Jesus’ very own descriptions in prophecies regarding His return in the sign of the Son of Man, yet so many Christians cannot see past the planks in their own eyes (Matthew 7:3). In dozens of recent dialogues with Christians on social media, it is evident that they have wrapped themselves up in their doctrines and scriptures of end times prophecies outside of Jesus’ prophecies about His own return as written in the Bible, and further, they have concocted imaginary fantastical events that they are “waiting” for to happen first before they would be willing to accept the thought that Jesus actually returned. It’s insanity!

In fact, in these dialogues some believers/faithful argue that “no one” will know the hour or day, and therefore the sign of the Son of Man could not have happened yet (…and this places them in a perpetual limbo “waiting pattern,” because with their logic, if “no one will ever know,” then how would we ever…know?) It’s madness!

Further, when presented with the truth in the exact verses of the sign of the Son of Man in accordance with the Holy Bible to support the real-life evidence of His return (just as Jesus prophesied and as written in every translation and version of the Bible and throughout the gospels), they reject it based on their religious beliefs and doctrine, and point to OTHER prophecies and prophets in the Bible as the truth instead of the scriptures that were attributed to having come directly out of Jesus’ mouth (thereby putting the other prophets ABOVE Jesus, their professed Lord and Savior). It’s inconceivable!

Yet, all of these Christians adamantly believe THEIR beliefs are the absolute 100% truth and anything and everything that conflicts with THEIR truth are the lies and deceptions, when it is exactly the opposite, and only reveals their own judgment (for more, please see “Christianity’s Wake Up Call: It’s All About Love“,)† “do not judge, or you will be judged,” of which Jesus warned his followers against in Matthew 7:1.

The truth is that if Christianity’s believers/followers had their eyes fixed on Jesus the entire time as was instructed of them in Hebrews 12:2, the masses would have been on watch for Jesus’ prophecies to come true first and foremost. And then, believers could have proceeded to confirm the rest of the canon’s prophecies from the other Biblical prophets based on the Truth in Jesus’ prophecies come true, His return in the sign of the Son of Man.

But every single one of the Christians I spoke with recently had beliefs which included waiting for “rapture,” or the “mark of the beast,” or the “abomination,” or hearing the “trumpets,” or Mt Olive split into two, or one of many other Old Testament and New Testament prophecies about Jesus’ return that didn’t come from Jesus, Himself. If those prophecies come true, it validates the prophet that delivered the message (Isaiah 44:26).

So, if Jesus is their Lord and Savior, shouldn’t Christians be looking to Him and His prophecies first for validation above and beyond any other prophets in the canonized Bible?

Why would anyone look to any other prophet for Jesus’ return but Jesus Himself?

We must begin again by focusing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2 says so). And here’s where Christians must let go of all pre-conceptions, interpretations, truths, expectations, and everything that they may have ever thought would happen or not happen in Jesus’ return.

It’s beginner’s mind/“like a child” mindset time, and all Christians must remember to remain fully open to ALL possibilities of truth because Jesus said anything is possible with God—for Christians this is essential—or else they are rejecting the truth in God’s Word: Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Mark 14:36; Luke 18:27 (and then it’s Matthew 7:21, that is, no heavenly afterlife).

Our guiding light will be Jesus’ words from the Holy Bible (in whichever translation or version is most preferred). Let’s start by fixing our eyes solely on Jesus’ own prophecies about His return in the gospels, with confirmatory scripture from Genesis (Old Testament) and Revelation (New Testament):

Matthew 24:26-27; 30; Mark 13:26; Luke 17:22-24; Luke 21:27; John 14:3;
and as confirmed by the prophecy in Rev 1:7 and in the beginning in Genesis 1:14.

The verses provide a narrow gate of Truth for Jesus’ return in the sign of the Son of Man in accordance with the Bible in the prophecies of Jesus, which we will navigate through below with rational common sense, logic, critical thinking and analysis.

And, the destination we’ll reach is validation of Jesus Christ as a True Prophet and Messenger of God to all people and all nations (everything Christians have ever had faith in and believed would happen, is here!) For the verses drilled down to English word definition levels from the dictionary, please see Jesus’ Return Explained: The Christmas Star on December 21, 2020 (Solstice).

Luke 17:22-24 provides an extremely narrow framework of Jesus’ return (sign of the Son of Man) in that Jesus will not be “found” on earth for us to point to “here” or “there” or in the wilderness or inner rooms, the verses provide us with the details needed in that: He is not on earth nor will He be on earth after the sign of the Son of Man in the skies (after all, it is a SIGN of the Son of Man).

Additionally, if anyone claims to be Jesus Christ, or says anyone else is Jesus Christ, they are false prophets and teachers. Jesus will not be on earth that we can point to; and any beliefs that include Him either walking or floating around near the surface of earth after His return are false (again, it is a SIGN of the Son of Man).

Once we narrow it down from Luke 17:22-24 that it won’t be anywhere or anyone on earth, and in the other verses in his prophecies (Matthew 24:26-27; 30; Mark 13:26; Luke 17:22-24; Luke 21:27; John 14:3; and as confirmed by the prophecy in Rev 1:7) we know His return can only be within the following description (remember, it is a SIGN of the Son of Man):

In the skies above us, “coming with the clouds”, “like lightning”, (bright light that comes and goes), visible from the “east to the west” (throughout the skies above earth), “glory” (from great beauty and splendor; state of exaltation; something marked by beauty or resplendence; something that secures praise or renown; a ring or spot of light), and the final piece of the mystery: every eye could see the sign of the Son of Man.

So if every eye could see the sign of the Son of Man, a light that comes and goes “like lightning” in the skies above earth that was visible to every eye as the earth revolved around from day to night for every eye to have the opportunity to see the blaze of glory fully met the criteria. The Christmas Star on solstice in December 2020 fulfilled all of Jesus’ prophecies about Himself in accordance with the Bible, and proves that Jesus who was born of the virgin Mary as written in Matthew (2:2; 2:10), came true in the fulfillment of His return as written and confirmed in (Rev 1:7).

That’s right, the same sign of the Son of Man that was present in the skies in the nativity story: literally present at His birth, and then His return/rebirth on earth (on the solstice, which represents return/rebirth/renewal of the sun), and of which, the secular and nonsecular media (globally, nationally, and locally) ran in the headlines around December 21, 2020, as the “Christmas Star” or the “Star of Bethlehem” of 2020. The news literally called the sign of the Son of Man out to everyone, and Christians still didn’t wake up and see it!

Additionally, the sign of the Son of Man (the Christmas Star) is in full accordance with Genesis 1:14 because in the beginning, God’s Word established that the sun, moon, planets and stars would serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days, and years for all of humanity (even before Adam & Eve in the Bible’s story of humanity’s origin).

Not only does this validate Jesus Christ as True Prophet and all the Bible says he was/is/ever will be, it also confirms the existence of a Higher Power/Intelligence (eg, God), because all of this coming together in this way was designed and set into motion before the Universe was Created, and before the Big Bang…

In 2010, when the magnitude of the Greatness and Infiniteness of God struck me for the first time within the Christian faith tradition, I wrote:

“There was only one explanation I could come up with: [the] events were planned and set into action from before the day the moon and the sun were created, from before the day the Earth was placed in position and set into its rotation and tilt before time was conceived or existed. I found no other way to explain any of this other than it was of God, set into motion eons ago before the beginning of creation. In awe, I exhaled as the rapture released its hold, and said, “God, I think I’m beginning to realize how big this is.”

It was blowing my mind. I could not even think of the right words to say. “God is…what?” Awesome, amazing, and great, did not seem to fit what I was feeling. “God is. God just is. God is infinitely above anything we can conceive or know or ever imagine.” I thought, “And God is choosing to reveal this to a greater extent to us now in our generation.”

Excerpts from The Gospel of Joy, Solstice Edition

This was all set into motion in the Creation of the Universe by a Higher Power / Intelligence / Source / Supreme Reality / God / by other names, greater than even all of humanity could have conceived of, or could have made happen on our own. (Yes, this means, “God” really truly does exist, but the Life / Love / Force / Power / Spirit / Energy that is “God” cannot be contained by any one religion or belief system).

The religion that was constructed by “man” in the early decades after 1 AD/CE attempted to confine Humanity’s “Almighty Creator God” into the container (vessel) of the Holy Bible. However, if “God” is Infinite, there must be infinite pathways, beyond any one single religion, wisdom tradition, or belief system, of which was inscribed in the canon (Genesis 1:1).

The Highest and most Righteous Universal messages brought by Jesus Christ were teachings for all of humanity (all people, all nations) to*: LOVE ONE ANOTHER above all else in everything we do in life (it was both what He said were the greatest commandments from the “Old Law” and His New Command for all of humanity into the future; because the Law of Love fulfilled all of the law and was “the Way” of life for the earliest Christians per the book of Acts in the Bible).

But the religion, including doctrine and creeds and belief systems across the denominations and churches that emerged in the decades and centuries thereafter did not remain true to Jesus’ instructions (or else, this world would already be a much better place). (Author’s Note: For those who may question whether Jesus actually walked in the flesh exactly as the canon states or if perhaps the entire story was all written into the constellations, sun, moon, and planets, these sensitive topics are addressed in Jesus, Real Man or Legendary Myth and Why It Ultimately Doesn’t Matter.)

The Ultimate message Jesus Christ* brought for all of us (all people and all nations for all time) points humanity in one direction forward together: the Way of love, which leads out of suffering and into Joy for us all, for all of earth, and all of life in creation, regardless of secular or nonsecular belief systems (or religious and spiritual practices and ways of life that are in accordance and harmonious with Love and The Golden Rule, and since Religions and the Sciences all agree on joy, what are we waiting for?

*Christians who disagree and/or are divided within themselves (mind and/or heart) with these truths: this is the antichrist spirit rearing it’s ugly head from within you, and you are currently in judgment per Jesus Christ in (Matthew 7:21; for if you are not living with a mind, heart, body, and spirit of LOVE in life, you are not doing God’s will – for God is Love per 1 John 4 x2 – and this means, unless you repent, and eradicate the antichrist spirit (and potentially also demons and other unholy spirits) from within you, you will not enter heaven in this lifetime, or the next (Matthew 7:21). It’s literally all about love, just like it’s been the entire time as written in every Holy Bible in every translation and version worldwide since it was first canonized long, long ago.

†(Author’s note: this “upside-down” thinking (eg, “in judgment” as in the Bible) is confirmed in CG Jung’s work within a scientific/psychology perspective; and A Course in Miracles within a Christian-based perspective, both further elucidating the ego/false self.

PS, for how all of this came to be in real-life dreams come true happiest ever after for all of us, see The Gospel of Joy, Solstice Edition, published on the day of the sign of the Son of Man (Christmas Star).

For more about The Gospel of Joy, click here, for more about Shannon, click here, to connect, click here, to return to the home page, click here.

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Namaste with Love to All
and Blessed Be
Joy in the World
in Christ Jesus’ Name
for Everyone.


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9 thoughts on “Reality Check for Christianity*: The Truth About the Sign of the Son of Man

  1. Who ordained you to speak for God? When were you chosen and set apart by God’s holy priesthood calling as prophet, seer and revelator? Just because you had an epiphony about a simple precept of Christ’s gospel doesn’t mean you either have the whole of it nor the right and authority to tell all God’s creation what is or isn’t true. You are a false prophet leading people astray from the entirety of Christ’s gospel which is based on love but also in obefience to God’s commandments and in choosing to follow in Christ’s footsteps serving one another. You are a charleton and a deceiver.

    1. Hi Trisha, thank you for asking the question, “Who ordained you to speak for God?” The answer is Jesus Christ and the story (and my testimony) was published on December 21, 2020, here’s the link to more information. Namaste with love and blessed be your joy! Always, Shannon
      PS, How can someone be a “false prophet” in Christians’ minds/beliefs if they are pointing directly to Jesus in the Bible? It’s upside down logic…A false prophet would be pointing away from Jesus.

    1. Hi Jo Ann! Please re-read the post to see that Jesus did indeed return in the sign of the Son of Man exactly how His own prophecies stated (in the Bible), all is in accordance (and the whole world did see the sign of the Son of Man), full details are in this post and other posts on this website. With love, Shannon

  2. How, one one hand can you base your arguments on Jesus’ words; and then claim, in the next breath that there are multiple ways to God. Jesus also said; “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
    In Matthew 24:30, right after Jesus talks about the sigh of three Son of Man, he then states: Matthew 24:30 ESV
    [30] , and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    It seem you are verse picking while ignoring other scripture to create your own theology.
    I pray that you continue to spread the Love of God, and I also pray that you receive the knowledge and dicernment of the Holy Spirit, that might not misrepresent Jesus and his word

    1. Hi Dennis, great question. Here is where you’ll want to transition from the elementary teachings to the mature teachings in Christ Jesus (yes, stages of faith and the spiritual journey are in the Bible). Instead of interpreting John 14:6 in a limited mindset, consider other alternatives for deeper meanings that may not have been in your original theological interpretation. Question other beliefs, dig into those verses that contradict each other in your mind/judgment and take them into study and prayer with God for God to reveal greater wisdom and understanding, and trust (and have faith) that God will reveal to you a “higher” Truth present in God’s Living Word of the Bible. Perhaps “this” is misrepresenting your personal beliefs, but it is not misrepresenting Jesus or His word. Peace be with you in Christ, and with love, Shannon

  3. All I know and feel and sense in this moment is I love you and am so very grateful to you and for you and want to shout a “Hallelujah!” because what you have written here and shared is a ding! ding! bell ringing deep within me! “Remember? Remember you knew so much of this?” I smiled. Then I cried because the “they” kept telling me I was wrong, that even decades ago as a small child was called a blasphemer (had no idea what that word meant then only that I must’ve been or done some terrible-awful) yet I refused to stop declaring “We must love one another.” until over time I was ridiculed, judged, harmed enough I took my heart into hiding which ultimately hurt me terribly. Ah, the loneliness of accepting you’re not ever ok unless you conform. I could not because I learned that conformity hurt even more and was even more lonely. So I wandered and wondered how to find my truth again until I didn’t fit in anywhere unless my only focus was on Love. It came in spurts. I sputtered and again was lost. I was determined to find myself again and so I did after two months of intensive isolation – just God, me, my dog, nature and the geese who honked Good Morning to me every sunrise. I did find me yet was not strong enough to handle well the attack that came from a human who said “I love God yet I have demons with me most all the time.” He did. I saw them. I wanted to help. I wasn’t ready, not yet. I wasn’t strong enough, not practiced enough again in my courage and stamina of living by absolute Love and faith and every sincere prayer I sent up for him, every Light I shone for him was met with darkness, one that was like a barrage of arrows dipped in poison coming at me. His anger grew. My dog who was ready to attack as he approached, who snarled and growled as his fist hit my vehicle and he backed away yet within less than 24 hours later, upon hearing the sound of his vehicle her ears and tail went down and she looked up to me for help. A shift within me happened as I saw my precious friend, companion, 4-legged child-dog in such a state and I felt a surge of anger rise within me I was not fully aware was possible where I promised her I would never let him harm her, that I would obliterate him first. My feelings, my urges were ugly and anything but Love even though my Love for her, to protect her was very real, normal, sincere, but it suddenly morphed into this assemblage of the ages within me as darkening rage. “Oh my God. Oh Lord help me please!! This is not okay! This is not my me as you created.” It felt so gross. It was not warrior of Light and Love strength. I felt vile. I felt a shame not of finger-pointing, name-calling religious doctrine dogma, no, it was more a shame of “How did this happen. How did I allow this to appear in me? How did this get from a place of Love in reassuring my girl I would protect her from harm, that we were ok and we would be okay and the angels would protect us too into something that felt so ugly as I imagined my violent ending of this man if he dared open the door and enter? It went from through the Love of calling out for protection to this very unspiritual, base human urge to end him and his threats.And like I shook from the inside out, I sat on the floor with my dog and wept. I apologized to my Creator and the trembling subsided. My brain then went into Fright, Flight and in 24 hrs the Freeze mode as I took every dime I had, every one and got us a place to hide for two months. I was in a full C-PTSD state of mind. I paced for weeks, cried daily, got physically ill (I think they call that the process of chemicalization ie deep change) and hid from real and probably imagined dark forces. I lost weight. I was tired. I spoke as little as possible to as few as was absolutely necessary. My mind, my brain was biologically in sync with the functions of the ancestors running from a saber tooth tiger – that reptilian brain, the very basics of save your life, survive. Though a wonderful tub was available for me I did not bathe. I wondered if this was God’s answer to offering me help I cried out for. I drove and drove until I could find the solace of nature, the energy of Mother Earth coming up into me through my feet. I took long walks and communed with the plants. Ultimately I was rebirthing. I never felt so crazy and confused as well as sane and filled with clarity. In time my memory became sharper, more detail-filled. Life stories came through in accuracy and authenticity. Where for weeks I could not pray it became that was all I could do. My kindness towards others anywhere I walked was sincere and automatic. I felt an ongoing Love to and from Yeshua I had not known so deeply since childhood. Forgiveness of those still unforgiven became easier and I yearned to connect to those I truly missed, including those who had transitioned beyond this plane of life. My mother, who crossed over 14 years prior whom I cried for frequently finally told me I had to be my own mother now. I had to fix it all on my own. It was up to me, skilled where I was and asking for help where I was not. I had to learn that my stubbornness was a tool for my good use not as a declaration of rebellion against those who would see fit to control me or cajole me into conformity- those days were gone. My walk with God who is known by many names was my own. I was no longer to be one who pleased others for their own sense of power and peace. Those days were gone. I would never need to feel such a surge of fear, a lack of Love again as I had now crossed over onto my connection road less travelled yet with ever trip, every stumble backwards the results would be swift and undeniable and I would know without knowing I must rise again. I was told to be patient, that my body would heal and be strong again in time yet not like I knew it and I was to be gentle with myself and every urge to laugh was to be expressed fully. I was to accept that honesty, full yet kindly expressed was my only path of choice now. I was to use the gifts God gave me the moment the Breathe of Life had opened and filled my lungs for the benefit of others and to God’s glory. Holding back would be met with Lessons of humbling and humility were to come by necessity and my recognition was paramount for they would be useful in sharing and teaching. Self-doubt is to be considered an interruption of purpose and overridden promptly. Love, nothing more, nothing less is the only walk forward now and this is not all instantaneous – it is though a fast process for embracing and deserves full commitment. Fearing people, failure, or shunning or dark energy or lack of Light is no longer your concern. Let go of all thoughts of ‘not enough’. Just let them go. And as you progress through the beautiful canal of rebirth you are traversing use your hands for healing by connecting them through Divinity you knew as a child without any thought or feeling other than Love. Hesitation no longer exists in your world. Do you. Remember to fully express your gratitude to ALL who have and who will teach you. And as this journey comes to pass to completion you will learn of and understand the Signs of the Son when the awareness is given to you. Be connected spirit, mind, and body. It’s all good.

    Thank you Shannon for this opportunity of expression. I am most grateful. It has been spoken here first.
    To be in yet not of this world save for the minerals made flesh is a humbling, glorious, joyful and sometimes tough journey. So be it.

    Much Love and Blessings 🙏🏽✨💞
    aka Mëna
    aka SkyDaughter

    1. Skydaughter Melinda✨💞, thank you so much for the blessing of your shining light, I’m truly humbled by your words and the blessings in your journey that you’ve shared (we all go through the same process of deaths and rebirths in life, but our experiences are unique in how they all come together to guide us into the next timeline of life. So very honored to include your writing here, namaste with love and blessed be your joy (always). Sending all goodness, light, and love to you.

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