Christianity’s Wake Up Call: It’s All About Love

❤️For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son❤️
…and then…
❤️Jesus returned just like he said he would (on 12/21/2020)
as written in
Matt 24:30 / Mark 13:26 / Luke 17:22-24 / Luke 21:27 / John 14:3

His words came true!
Jesus is confirmed as EVERYTHING the Bible says he is/was/ever will be!
He’s already making everything New in Christ (Rev 21:5) right now in real-life!

Don’t forget: Love is the one, and only one way of Jesus Christ,
so ~❤️ love one another ❤️~
(and stay out of judgment, for goodness’ sake!)

It’s time for peace and joy on earth, are YOU in?
(After all, who wouldn’t want a happier world for all of us to live in?)

Sincerest apologies to Christians who are tribulating and mourning because
Jesus’ return didn’t happen like they thought it would,
and it may have come at an unexpected time.

If this sounds like you and/or
if you disagree, doubt, deny, reject, or feel a desire to say “no way” or “impossible,”
that Jesus indeed returned and fulfilled the Bible’s prophecies,
the best next step for the good of your soul/salvation is to take it directly to God 1:1 in prayer
or ask Jesus directly to reveal His return to you in your own life
(“Ask, Seek, Knock” and “Believe and Receive,” both teachings of Jesus in the Bible).

What not to do next:
Don’t sin in your disbelief and lack of faith,
don’t grasp and cling to idols for comfort (including your beliefs),
don’t curse, slander, or disagree,
and definitely do not judge anyone or anything
(these reactions/actions do no good and will bring forth equal judgment unto you, Jesus said this too).

The best and highest (holiest; most righteous) next step for anyone
who is not at peace or rejoicing in this Good News is to take it to prayer ASAP
and follow Jesus commandments to love with their entire lives
while they are faithfully expecting and receiving His response in their personal lives.
Christians, wake up! It’s really truly time!

Here’s why RIGHT NOW is the spiritual crossroads for humanity
(for Christians especially)
yes, Jesus is separating the sheep from the goats and revealing unrighteousness:
Jesus said anything is possible with God and that means…
the truth is, it is not impossible that Jesus really did return.

No matter how hard anyone digs in their heels that they are right,
if anyone says is “impossible” or “wrong,”
they are disrespecting and dishonoring God’s sovereignty and will (hint: this is not good for anyone!)
Job chapters 38-42 are good reading for a reality check
before tumbling deeper into false judgment.
Christians, wake up! It’s time!

Further, if anyone thinks/believes it’s impossible Jesus returned,
then they are denying the Truth in God’s Word in the Bible canonized more than 1500 years ago
that ANYTHING is possible with God at any time (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Mark 14:36; Luke 18:27).

(See how Christians trip and stumble in their own beliefs and truths
that conflict and oppose each other without realizing it?
xoxo from someone who’s been there and learned that lesson already). ❤️
Christians, wake up! It’s time!

History is in the making as Christ Jesus’ reign begins on Earth
as Christians and all nations and peoples wake up in Christ Jesus,
you’ll know them in the world by their love (Jesus said so ❤️).

Originally Published: 11:11 EST, UTC -5 Merry Christmas Day 2022.

For more about The Gospel of Joy, click here, for more about Shannon, click here, to connect, click here, to return to the home page, click here.

Namaste with Love to All
and Blessed Be Joy in the World
in Christ Jesus’ Name
for Everyone.


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