God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years…” (Genesis 1:14)

On December 21, 2020, one such sacred sign occurred when Jesus’ prophecies about his second coming/return in the canonized gospels came true (see Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:26; Luke 17:22-24; Luke 21:27; and John 14:3), and as also prophesied in Revelation 1:7, “he is coming with the clouds” and “every eye will see him.”

It was day of the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction (the Christmas Star (i.e., “sign of the Son of Man in heaven”) which came “with great power and glory” on the Solstice (light/dark at greatest division on Mother Earth). There is also strong significance in the symbolism of solstice related to Jesus [eg, death/rebirth of light] of which is described elsewhere.

Although Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunctions occur approximately every 20 years, the one on December 21, 2020, was the closest conjunction for these two planets since 1623 AD/CE (at a mere 0.1 degrees apart) and fulfills the criteria for Jesus’ prophecy about his return as written in Matthew 24:30, “then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven,” as well as:

  • Validates the authority of Jesus Christ of the Bible as a true Holy Prophet of the Almighty Holy Creator God who is Love (and Messiah for those who believe)
  • Confirms Jesus Christ is who he was/is/ever will be as written in the Bible (ie, “Life,” Son of the Living God; alive in Spirit)
  • Authenticates the validity of the Holy Bible canon/Christian Way of salvation as Truth (ie, the Way of Love)

The Christmas Star is already identified with the nativity story globally as a sign/symbol of the baby Jesus’ birth by both Christians and non-Christians, alike. Additionally, a Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction occurred in 6 BC/BCE which was likely the original reference point for the Star of Bethlehem/Christmas Star written about in the gospel of Matthew. This provides support for the sign of the Son of Man in the second coming/return as the Christmas Star. Indeed “every eye” could see the “sign of the Son of Man” in the skies “coming on the clouds” “with great power and glory.

Searching online since December 21, 2020 AD/CE results in dozens of news articles headlining the “Christmas Star” of 2020, and referring back to the “Star of Bethlehem,” and to Jesus. Let that sink in for a moment, the secular media named the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020, “the Christmas Star” and the “Star of Bethlehem!”

Of additional note, since the year 1802, the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunctions occurred in earth signs of the zodiac. However, on December 21, 2020, the Great Conjunction transitioned to occur in Aquarius, an air sign, and the conjunctions are now set in air signs for the next 200 years. This reminded me of The 5th Dimension’s song from back in 1969, “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” and these astrological / cosmological connections uplift Jesus’ return into universal/cosmos-level “written in the stars from before the universe began by the Almighty Creator,” set into motion before the sun, moon, and stars existed to begin with (before the Big Bang) and all is coming together as one in Jesus’ name and in accordance with the Bible.

Further, work has already been published on the scriptures themselves as celestial metaphor (i.e., not real historic events on earth). David Warner Mathisen, author of Star Myths of the World and How to Interpret Them, Volume 3: Star Myths of the Bible, pointed out a major issue in the baby Jesus story line regarding the Magi (the 3 wise men). The Magi from the East saw the star in the east after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea; they traveled from the east to Jerusalem to find the king of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). He noted the issue was they should have headed east towards the star in the eastern sky, not west (away from the star in the east).

As described by Mathisen in volume 3, an English clergyman and radical free thinker, Reverend Robert Taylor (1784-1844), came to similar realizations in studies of Biblical texts—the scriptures were celestial metaphor from beginning to end. That was, none of it happened; all were symbols in the sky. He preached, “As the Psalmist sublimely explains:

“For ever, O Lord, thy word is true in Heaven.” And so it is: but it was never true on earth: and none but a fool or a dunce would ever have dreamed that it was so. And they who have represented Christ and his apostles as persons that ever existed upon earth, do turn the truth of God into a lie.”

Whether or not the scriptures were solely celestial, in this context we can now understand even further why it would be written that the earth would mourn, nations would be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea, people would faint with terror, apprehensive for what is coming on the world, for Jesus’ return in celestial form isn’t the savior they may have been expecting.

Now truly all must walk in faith—turning inward to the Mystic Heart—instead of walking by “sight” into the New Heavens/New Earth (Unitive Age).

The Biblical end times are history, and heaven is here!

This IS Christianity’s upshift inward into the oneness found within Mystic Heart (exactly as Jesus instructed) and away from the dogma, doctrines, and theologies that have divided Christians from each other and from people of other nonsecular and secular belief systems for nearly 2000 years. (Note: Writings on this are available online including an Apostolic Letter to Christians for unification, reconciliation, and returning to Love as Jesus’ one and only one Way of Truth and Life, his New Commandment (Love) based on the Greatest Commandments from the “Old” (Leviticus & Deuteronomy; Love), which fulfilled all the Old Laws, etc.†)

The Way of the Mystic Heart in the lineage of Jesus of the Bible is described as him returning as the living Spirit within the earliest Christians, first reported in the visions Mary had of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, after he resurrected and appeared to her outside of the tomb. As we know, this meant in a mystical experience, she felt the familiar presence of Jesus surrounding her and may have smelled his essence or felt his energy or heard his voice in her mind. Somehow, even though he was not in his physical body in front of her, she knew in her heart and mind that Jesus was speaking to her and alive.

Jesus was alive within Mary, and then he appeared to the other Apostles, including in mystical visions for Saul who became the Apostle Paul. It wasn’t just one of the early Christians, it was within all of them (remember the event of Pentecost?) And, it was in these testimonies of the living Spirit of Jesus from within that was, and continues to be, the proof of Jesus’ existence in the lives of the saints and mystics throughout history.

This is where my real-life testimony joins the chorus, as I have also experienced the living Spirit of Jesus in mystical experiences/visions, and including when I was commissioned into service (archetype: Mary Magalene; with Biblical support for apostolic appointing without having met Jesus “in the flesh” Apostle Paul); and also as the messenger for all the above (prophetic visions/revelations since childhood), published The Gospel of Joy book on December 21, 2020 (the day of the Christmas Star/Solstice), which brings forth interfaith-interspirituality, along with all of the religions and world’s wisdom traditions, along with sciences (including atheist and agnostic beliefs), and Eastern and Western medicine, together as one – all who are in agreement with Jesus’ Way of Love (Golden Rule) and joy as the crown and supreme (eg, in Western medicine: positive psychology; healing and do no harm) are members of One “Church” (i.e., of Love) in all of our beautiful diversity.

All of these were brought together in a universal narrative (also incorporating the step forward for Christianity into the New Heavens/New Earth [Unitive Age]) as published in The Gospel of Joy with Jesus as the cornerstone in the foundation (and it includes everyone secular and nonsecular together as one in agreement and within accordance of the Bible).

Additionally, my true-life story in The Gospel of Joy serves as a guide for spiritual growth in faith within all stages within the Christian tradition (from babies drinking milk, to Apostle Paul’s depiction of mature eating “solid food”) to beyond the religion of Christianity, and the transition into Christ Consciousness and true freedom in Christ’s love in real-life on earth.

As Christ said in Revelation 21:6, “It is done.”

Let’s walk upon it together.

We’re in the dawning of the Unitive Age, and humanity is waking up. It’s time!

With love,


The Gospel of Joy

The Biblical Way of Christ Jesus (Is Love)

Christ Jesus’ Biblical Return (& The Second Coming)

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