Got Grievances vs. Christianity? You’re Not the Only One

Greetings to all, especially those who have decided in their minds and hearts that peace is the answer instead of conflict and war, who de-escalate situations to bring balance and harmony, who take care in speaking respectfully and politely no matter who is being spoken to (friend or foe), and even more so, those who see no one as a foe, and who strive every day to be loving-kindness in the world.

Since around 30-36 AD/CE, the stories of Jesus of Nazareth who became the Christ exploded throughout history and instead of demonstrating their love and other fruits of the Holy Spirit (joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), Christians have murdered, tortured, punished, exiled, banished, warred, destroyed, and brought darkness and death across the face of the earth. They have harmed people from other religions and attacked each other and show no signs of stopping their rampages (for a list of “bad” behaviors from The Bible, click here).

For nearly two millennia, the effects and consequences caused by the actions of Christians have led to unloving fruits and outcomes (whether due to ignorance or unholy intentions) all the while they were supposed to be following The Way of Jesus in love.

No one needs to look further than current headlines to see the hellish results on earth that certain so-called Christian world leaders are perpetuating in power plays, disagreements, and wars; or the stones Christians throw at each other and everyone whose beliefs differ from their own, all the while judging from an evil, hate-filled, fear-mongering, malicious, ill-intentioned, badly behaving throne of ignorance (or lies) that they believe is the one and only truth (that is utterly lacking LOVE).

Jesus showed the way through suffering to joy in life on earth through love. Period.

We are intelligent enough as a species in 2022 to know what love is and what it’s not (in fact, the Bible is crystal clear). We know the difference in our hearts between suffering vs. joy and the contrast between war/chaos vs. peace in our minds. We are wise enough to reflect on history as examples of what not to repeat (which is why so many have turned away from organized religions).

The consequences of centuries of badly behaving Christians who couldn’t manage to act fully in accordance with their professed beliefs are widespread. As they carried their crosses of suffering, the rest of us have been drug towards hell in the world’s crucifixion through religious prophecies. But, contrary to their beliefs: these Christians are not powered by Holy Spirit, and they are not one in love (if they were, this world would be a much more joyful place).

At its purest essence, the way of Jesus Christ is love through which all gifts, powers, and qualities of the Holy Spirit flow (i.e., goodness, righteous, truth) with the sole purpose of and destination of joy.

Therefore to be one in that spirit (which all Christians are called to be) means to be loving towards all (including “enemies” or “opposition”) creating joy on earth as children of the living God who is love and sent the Son of love, Jesus, to earth so on and so forth. Christianity is love with the purpose of joy.

Imagine earth if Christians actually practiced their beliefs… heaven on earth for everyone.

This open call for grievances is the proverbial ichthus drawn in the sand for Christianity.

Per The Bible, Christians are to do everything in love (1 Cor 16:14) above all else (1 Peter 4:8) because there is no greater commandment (Mark 12:31) and it fulfills all of the entire old law (Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:14).

Jesus said that anyone who loves him will obey his command to love (John 14:23; 15:12). If they are lacking love, they are not one in God who sent Jesus (1 John 4:16), they do not know God (1 John 4:7-10), nor will they necessarily enter heaven after this life (Matt 7:21-23).

Love (God/Jesus) is on one side, and everything that is not love (not God / no Jesus / unholy / unrighteous) is on the other. Christians and the churches must decide for themselves which side they choose (there is no middle ground for the lukewarm as they will be “spit out” [Rev 3:16]).

Will the churches of Christianity condone unloving behaviors? Will they agree after over a millennia of schism and fractures to reconcile and agree to come together as one body of Christ? Will they finally place love fully as the cornerstone of their doctrine? And joy as their purpose in complete alignment with Jesus? Or will they repeat the sins of their Christian ancestors and forefathers? (Click here for an Apostolic letter written to the Churches in 2021.)

May these grievances serve as a mirror for badly behaving Christianity/ian(s) to wake up and see how they harm, hurt, falsely accuse, unrighteously judge, and cause hell-fires of suffering every day in the wake of their words and actions. May these grievances open new opportunities for great reconciliation in love and may they bring healing to a fractured and divided world. May we all enjoy the freedom to experience greater joy in life as Christianity answers the call from God back to love as one united body of Christ.

Namaste with love and onward to joy.

Apostle of Jesus Christ called by the will of God, Reverend, and author of The Gospel of Joy (how all this came about for all who believe in love and want us all to live happily ever after on earth with greater joy).

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