Christians Behaving Badly (Even The Bible Tells Us So)

Love is the ONE and ONLY way for Christians. The greatest commandment spoken by Jesus—the pioneer and perfecter of faith who endured the cross for the joy set before Him (Hebrews 12:2) and, of course, from whom “Christians” were named (Acts 11:26)—was to love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength and to love your neighbors as yourself (Matthew 22; Mark 12; Luke 10; and John 13).

As described in all 4 of the New Testament gospels, to be a true disciple of Christ meant—and still means—to walk in the footsteps of love at all times as set forth by Jesus. All of the Law and the Prophets are held within this supreme commandment (Matthew 22) as affirmed by Apostle Paul in Galatians 5.

Love is greater than the Ten Commandments (and even all of the books of The Bible combined) and love is the foundation of what it means to be a Christian. Since love does no harm to a neighbor, love is the fulfillment of the law and whoever loves has fulfilled the law (Romans 13).

But in today’s world, grievances against Christianity run deep. Just take a look around. You’ll find a multitude of Christians behaving badly in this very moment across news headlines, television shows, and posts all over social media.

Our reality is that the world has endured centuries after centuries of horrendously un-loving actions by professing followers of Jesus Christ. These atrocities done in the name of the “God of love” who so loved the world (John 3:16) cast dark shadows on a religion that is based on loving-kindness and compassion, caring, generosity, and healing, forgiveness and reconciliation, acceptance and agreement, peace and nonviolence, justice and equality. We need look no further than The Crusades and Inquisitions, the Thirty Years’ War (Catholics vs. Protestants!), and similar events throughout history.

Anti-Christlike behavior includes ALL words and actions in direct opposition to love and the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23, the fruits of the Spirit are: joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control) and the definition of what love is (as well as what love is not) is written in 1 Corinthians 13 and explained in detail in this definitive guide.

Taking a good look around us, love is not what we see out of the mouths and actions of most Christians. We see the hypocrisy. We are blamed and accused. We are scorned, whipped, and stoned by Christian truths. We are oppressed and caused to suffer at the hands of Christians. We are judged as equivocally wrong. And, we are the ones going to the fires of hell.

Instead of finding common ground of agreement that leads to harmony and peace, “badly behaving” Christians sow separation and division (note: this is in total 100% opposition from love as defined in their Bibles).

Christians are *supposed* to be one in God and Jesus (John 17:21-23), and that means to truly love every one (John 13:35), including those who they believe are their enemies or opposition at all times (Matthew 5:44) in that they be children of their Father in heaven who is Love. Given this, we’d expect to see the light of Christ shining on Earth through (at minimum) the majority of the 2.5 billion Christians, right?

But we don’t (as of the day this was written).

(If we did, the world would be a much better place for all of us.)

This begs the question of *WHY* in nearly 2000 years since it’s inception, Christianity has failed time and again to demonstrate unity in love among the churches and in the nations—not to forget that Christians can’t even figure out how to get along with each other between all the denominations!

In fact, this situation has gotten so dire in the world there are now many people who have concluded because of this: Christianity ISN’T TRUE.

In fact, it was this very question presented to me during amicable discussion with an atheist in 2021. Since Christianity has not managed to collectively and individually demonstrate the moral behaviors that the scriptures teach, the atheist asked, “Maybe it hasn’t worked because it’s not true, have you thought about that?

His question was on point. I knew it would have immediately thrown most Christians into a defensive rebuke or a period of tumultuous inner self-searching.

But, it didn’t faze me at all. Not one bit.† Why? Because I understood fully where he was coming from. I hold no delusions about what Christianity looks in the world, what with all of the hypocrisy, ignorance, and “Holier than thou” condemnation and judgments, and lack of consideration of the harm done throughout literally thousands of years in the name of God.

Whether Christians are willing to admit it or not, the glorious name of Jesus Christ has been tattered and torn, dragged in the mud by those who profess his name on their lips but do not follow his example.

Even the scriptures documented unloving behaviors as “bad” and “wrong”, including these offenders:

  • Exhortation by violence, accusing wrongfully, discontent with wages1
  • Hoarding riches, not distributing to the poor and those in need2
  • Filled with deceit, cunning, scoffers, jealous, or blaspheming3
  • Working iniquity4 [Definition of iniquity: immoral or grossly unfair behavior]
  • Unforgiving or unmerciful5
  • Judging6 and condemning others7
  • Hypocritical, evil, lagging in diligence, cursing, persecuting, not peaceful with others, seeking revenge8
  • Committing adultery, murdering, stealing, coveting, harming a neighbor, reveling in drunkenness, strife, jealousy9
  • Disputing over opinions10
  • Causing divisions and occasions of stumbling11
  • Filled with strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slandering, whisperings, proud thoughts, or riots12
  • Ignorant, callous, lusting, wrathful, thief, corrupt speech, bitterness, anger, slanders others13
  • Anger, wrath, malice, or shameful speaking14
  • Double-tongued15
  • Lawless people16
  • Gossips and busybodies17
  • Obsessed with arguments, disputes, and word battles from which come envy, strife, insults, evil suspicions, or constant friction18
  • Empty chatter or foolish or ignorant questionings that intentionally generate strife and quarreling19
  • Arrogant, unforgiving, slanderers, lacking self-control, traitors20
  • Violent21
  • Greedy for dishonest gain; vain talkers and deceivers22
  • Contentious, living in malice and envy, and hating one another23
  • Words and actions in anger24
  • Double-minded doubters25
  • Jealousy, selfish ambition, any evil deed26
  • Wickedness, deceit, hypocrisy, envious27
  • “Eye for an eye” (evil for evil or insult for insult)28
  • Rioters and blasphemy29
  • Despising authority,30 and slandering celestial beings31
  • Abusive condemnations32
  • Speaking evil33 in matters they are ignorant34
  • Murmurers and complainers35, speaking proud (boastfully)36 and showing respect of persons to gain advantage37
  • Mockers and those who cause division38
  • Hatred towards others39

In its purest form, Christianity is a beacon of light, kindness, and forgiveness, mercy and justice, helping all who are in need with compassion, healing and reconciliation, and serving in the way of Jesus: loving at all times and in all things. And, it is entirely beyond time for Christianity to wake up.

Indeed, even His Holiness, Pope Francis, tweeted just yesterday,For the followers of Jesus, now is not a time for sleeping, for letting our souls be sedated. one of the great tragedies of our time is the refusal to open our eyes to reality and instead to look the other way.

This is truly for Christians’ own good, as it was written Matthew 7, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” The “will of my Father” Jesus spoke of, is Love. In other words, “only the person who does the will of Love” will enter the kingdom of heaven.

It is a critical point of distinction for believers because no, just because they “believe in Jesus Christ,” or are “saved for their sins by the blood of Jesus,” does not mean they will enter the kingdom of heaven. Don’t take my word for it, go back to Matthew 7, beginning with verse 21, The Bible literally tells us so. Jesus said, ONLY the one who does the will of my Father.

Each Christian must take a long, hard look at themselves, their churches, and the state of Christianity as a whole, and in reflection, consider their own contributions of “bad behavior” to the centuries of grievances the world has against Christianity (for valid and justified reasons). Then, in the spirit of reconciliation return to love in their hearts and allow the renewing of their minds in the light of Christ.

For those who are Christians: I implore you to look closely in the mirror’s reflection, and ask yourself, “Am I a Christian behaving badly?

Ask yourself, “Does love flow through my words and actions with honor and respect for everyone? Even with those whose opinions and beliefs are different than mine?

Am I living in a place of inner peace, acceptance, and non-judgment, wherein I no longer see anyone as my enemy or opposition? Do I strive for agreement and harmony in all situations? At home? At school? At work? Other places, like stuck in traffic or a long line that’s not moving fast enough? Or when online in emails and social media platforms?

Am I able to disagree with someone (perhaps about whether or not to wearing masks or receive a vaccination) without thinking I am 100% correct and my “righteousness” is the ONE and ONLY correct truth? Am I willing to listen to all sides and find common ground instead of sowing greater division?

You may find yourself in the spirit of judgment. If so, consider it a gift of love for your greatest good from God.

And remember at the same time, all is forgiven and your sins are washed clean: Go on from this moment and follow Jesus’ Greatest Commandment to love. Make every effort to keep the bonds of peace united and “do no harm” towards anyone, for this is The Way of Christ.

For all those who do this, you’ll be good for the road ahead. If more and more other Christians do this too, one day the entire earth and heavens will rejoice when the miracle-working and healing power of LOVE shines brightly for all to see in Jesus’ name.

We’ll all live in greater joy.

May the hearts and minds of all God's children be attentive to hear and with ears open to listen. 
May the truth about love spring forth from all hearts revealing the joy of heaven. 
May we make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through our love for one another,
and may all be done in Christ (1 Cor 16:14), 
for the flourishing of peace, healing, and prosperity on earth, always.

Namaste with love and blessed be your joy,

1Mark 10:14; 2Luke 18:22; 3Acts 13: 10, 41, 45; 4Matthew 7:23; Luke 13:27; 5Romans 1:31; 6Matthew 7:1; Romans 2:1; 7Luke 6:37; 8Romans 12:9-19; 9Romans 13:9-13; 10Romans 14:1; 11Romans 16:17; 122 Corinthians 12:20; 13Ephesian 4:18-31; 14Colossians 3:8; 151 Timothy 3:8; 161 Timothy 1:9; 171 Timothy 5:13); 181 Timothy 6:4-5; 192 Timothy 2:16, 23; 202 Timothy 3:2-4; 211 Timothy 3:3; 22Titus 1:7, 10;23Titus 3:2-3; 24James 1:20; 25James 1:6, 8; 26James 3:16; 271 Peter 2:2; 281 Peter 3:9; 291 Peter 4:4; 302 Peter 2:10; 31Jude 1:8; 32Jude 1:9; 331 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 2:10; Titus 3:2; 342 Peter 2:12; Jude 1:10; 35James 5:9; 362 Timothy 3; 2; James 4:16; 37Jude 1:16; 38Jude 1:19; 391 John 3:15.

†From the wisdom within my heart—not from The Bible or a doctrine of a church—I confidently admitted to the atheist from the authority of my own personal life experience that I knew without a doubt the Christianity belief system IS TRUE because I had followed Jesus’ instructions every step of the way through rebirth to maturity in faith (Hebrews 5:13-14), attaining what was described as “Universalizing Faith,” in James Fowler’s “Stages of Faith,” set within the Christian tradition. Today, who I am is a product of persevering on the same path the saints traveled before me.

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