Christ’s Gift to Believers: It’s Time to Shine in the Glory of Jesus’ Return!

The Christmas Star fulfilled Jesus’ prophesies about himself as written in the Holy Bible on December 21, 2020. If you can’t already see God’s Kingdom here on earth, remember that in Luke 17 Jesus said, “God’s Kingdom doesn’t come with observation; neither will they say, ‘Look, here!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ for behold, God’s Kingdom is within you.” It is within YOU.

Wisdom and understanding reveal the Holy Light of Christ’s return appearing in our hearts and minds. That is, in the inner world of Holy mystical connection; the sacred alchemical marriage and union of opposites within the soul; such as the mystic heart found within the World’s Great Religions and Wisdom Traditions; also known by the terminology, Christ Consciousness. The power of Christ, then working through those who have persevered with the saints in service to the Greatest Good and in the Spirit of Love in the world according to The Golden Rule and the Holy Kingdom of Joy on Earth

Similar to my real-life story published in The Gospel of Joythe living Spirit of Jesus Christ also appeared in this same way in visions to Mary and the Apostles, and later on, Saul (who transfigured into Apostle Paul) and many of the Saints of Christianity (Brigid, Teresa of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, Francis of Assisi, Julian of Norwich, Catherine of Siena, John of the Cross, and more recently Meister Eckhart, Teilhard de Chardin, Thomas Merton, Br. Wayne Teasdale, among others). 

Considering so many visions and mystical experiences were recorded in the canonized New Testament, across the Apocrypha, and in the writings of the Saints and mystics into our modern age, the living Spirit of Jesus has actually, already, truthfully returned through those who persevered to become apostles and saints while still alive on Earth. There is no need to continue waiting for an apocalyptic event in the future, because as a believer, Christ is ready to shine through you.

Instead of thinking about it as an event occurring outside of yourself—external, projected into the world around you—instead, open space on the inside of yourself to allow Christ to come in within your heart and mind. For in 2 Thessalonians 1:10, scripture states, “on the day he comes to be glorified IN his holy people and to be marveled at among those who have believed.” 

Numerous other verses depicted Christ living within the apostles and early Christians after Jesus ascended to heaven (Galatians 1:15-16; Galatians 2:20; Galatians 4:19; Ephesians 3:17; Colossians 1:27). These are summed up in the question, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” (1 Corinthians 3:16; and Luke 17:21 stated by Jesus) 

This means more of heaven on earth is possible right now. Christ’s power is already among us through the souls of healers, humanitarians, helpers, and other compassion-hearted, merciful people speaking and acting with loving-kindness across the lands of Earth. We see these examples in Good Samaritans and those who bend down to uplift others who are lacking anything, just as Jesus of Nazareth taught. 

It is up to each individual person whether to follow as light shining in Jesus’ footsteps (or not), for the time for waiting was over 3 days after it began (when Jesus resurrected to life in Spirit and was seen by the apostles, beginning with Mary). It’s well beyond time for all believers to receive the spiritual gifts and power of Jesus Christ which flow from the river of life – that is, to step past half-hearted spirituality and static beliefs of “being saved,” or “born again,” to actually proactively participating in the co-creation of life on Earth as a practicing devotee and/or disciple of Jesus Christ. Every day. 

In alignment with the scriptures, Jesus calls the names of his disciples and each will receive a testimony of a new life in Christ (just like I did, too). This work is done on the inside, keeping in mind that Christ is not conformed to anything of this world, and with God everything is possible, for God’s ways are not our ways. 

This means, if you expect God to fit into your personal conception of the truth you believe and refuse to consider other possibilities of truth, it is a good moment to surrender hubris before a downfall, and then open to a deeper level of faith and spirituality in your life. (For you may be running the risk that Jesus may say he doesn’t know you, as written in Matthew 7:21-23).

If more believers actually surrendered control of their lives to allow the Holy Spirit to fully work within them; truly opening their minds and hearts to the entire Truth, the Way, and the Life, at the feet of the Master and Son of God of the Most High, Jesus Christ as described more fully in the Gnostic scriptures and Apocrypha, as well as within the canon, more of Heaven’s glory and the power of Christ would shine and uplift our collective energy and consciousness to further the progress of fully merging the new Heaven and new Earth. (If this doesn’t sound familiar, open a Bible to Revelation 21.) We would live in a far happier and more harmonious society if everyone would put into devoted practice and discipleship what they say they believe about the Greatest Power of Love.

But, so many words and actions are in opposition to The Way of Jesus, and are more like the anti-Christ; especially from Christians who profess Love for all and then divide and separate amongst themselves and everyone with whom they disagree. A prime example being the tens of thousands of denominations split off and separated from the original conception of the One Body of Christ in the church. The original design was trampled upon and neglected into disrepair. Instead of clamoring to reunite the denominations, more continued to split off. 

Additionally, anti-christs and false prophets remain among us even now—those who haven’t yet completed their suffering in the lake of fire—and, too many people have ignorantly followed thorn bush kings into bondage and suffering, and continue to refuse to open their ears to hear the Truth and Love of Christ to break free from the chains that bind their souls. 

In the spirit of a lamp in the darkness, from previous experience having similar beliefs while undergoing inner transformation: Let go and let God (and go with the flow) as much as possible. In the shift and transformation of our world to the new, and as we follow Christ beyond images and idols into the heart, a guiding light is wisdom of discernment to identify the authentic Spirit of Christ/Holiness, and in that manner, also clearly identify what is its opposite. (This is especially relevant given how apparent it is that some professing Christians act more like anti-Christs than like Jesus in the world today.)

When we look to scriptures, we see that we will know the Holy Spirit and Christ in the world by faithfulness, authentic testimony, and good fruits manifesting in trails of love, miracles, healing, generosity, service, charity, goodwill, compassion, blessings, mercy, peace, and joy; for those were a reflection of Jesus’ character and personage. These fruits persist whether inside or outside of the church, regardless of doctrine. The Spirit of Christ is One and bears the same fruit from the Holy Spirit, even if the methods or beliefs have shades of diversity among them. 

The Way of Love (as eloquently described in today’s Regina Caeli by Pope Francis) is everlasting and the purpose given to us through Jesus is for the joy of the world. The words we use to describe it may be different, but the spirit and life force energy are the same. And, just as Jesus spoke to his disciples, anyone who is not with him is against him, and who does not gather with him, scatters (divides and separates in unloving ways). It is really this simple to determine which organizations, businesses, governments, and people are filled with Love and shining the light of Christ, like Jesus did to show us The Way. (And many of them, aren’t Christians.)

In the Sermon on the Mount, he told his disciples who they were, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). We are meant to shine like Jesus, with the light of Christ within us, too. And, as shining lights we are not to hide ourselves but to give light to all the house, letting our lights shine before others, so that all may see our good works produced by the Holy Spirit of Christ within us and give glory to the one in whose name our testimony rests upon, the Son of God and High Priest in Heaven, Lord Jesus, sent by God who is Love.

But, it isn’t enough to hear a testimony about Christ and believe, it is about hearing the voice of the living Spirit of Jesus/Christ/Higher Consciousness inside of yourself through personal experience. And, believing in it to the depths of your soul as Truth because it was received directly on the inside and not from the world. That is when the True light of Christ will shine through your heart, once the Holy Spirit enters and new life is bestowed from above. Everything is possible if we uplift our hearts and minds to Christ Jesus in service for the glory of Love, as we participate in gift of life on Earth and bring forth the completion of Christ’s return; through us. 

If this all sounds unbelievable (or worse, if you judge these words as unBiblical), it would be wise to ask yourself a few questions: Even if you think you are a perfect Christian, and especially if you in-so-much have ever had the thought that someone was going to hell (or not going to heaven) because they did not believe in the exact same religious truth as you…

What if you are missing out on God’s grace and blessings because of idols in your life (and you are blind to them!)? 

What if ignorance is preventing you from seeing the fullness of God’s glory and power (and instead of speaking with love you’re accusing in judgments!)? 

What if you are standing in the way of receiving the Holy Spirit’s gifts and freedom in Christ because you are stuck in ego that your beliefs are the only one, true truth (and that is the very truth that Jesus asks you to place on the cross!)?

The moment you decide to leap in faith to experience what lies beyond what you believe is where faith really begins and Jesus will surely meet you there. So, really truly, what are you waiting for? It’s time to shine in the glory of Jesus’ return.

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